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Composing the Team:

       The team is composed of 8 high school students and a coach from General Santos City High School.The leader divided the team to work on their  designated tasks.These are the steps the team underwent in making this video blog a success:

    The idea of promoting the place came from the yearning of wanting to expose the notorious wonders of General Santos City. The gestation of the title and the longing to unravel the preserved splendor of the Ancestral House started here.

    The information about the Ancestral House was collected from the internet and the conducted interviews. The researchers interviewed a few of the authorities of the place, along with the residents surrounding the area. The group visited the Ancestral House three times throughout the study, October 12, October 15, and October 27, 2011. Videos and pictures were taken from the place. The first time the proponents visited the place, they were amazed by its beauty. They all had fun throughout the experience as they learned more about how Filipinos lived long ago.

     Since there was a Halloween Party to be held at the Ancestral House, we didn't want to miss the opportunity to witness the said event. We attended the party with our costumes and took pictures with the frightening features of the house in order to add more personality to our blog. 

     The web designers and article writers edited and organized the data gathered, as well as the pictures and videos.

   In the web development, the design was chosen by the web master and was then applied. Furthermore, the data were analyzed for the last time and finalized as a group of presentable web pages, the website.The thorough photo and video editing were accomplished using the following softwares: Adobe Photoshop , Photoscape, Picnik, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe After Effects and Ulead Video Studio.

Here is the video of the things we've gone through in making our methodology: